There are many ways to say that you’re important, here’s how I say it

One small scribble makes for one giant leap in your well-being
The key to journaling is that you are left with the KNOWLEDGE that you are important in this world. You have the power to improve your own life and those you care about. You have the ability to improve your mental health – and you don't need a lot of time for that, you don't need a lot of money for that, you don't need "experts" for that – you just need YOU. Take a few minutes out of your day to acknowledge how very unique, important and wonderful you are to those around you and the world at large. Don't underestimate YOUR OWN ABILITIES to make a meaningful positive change in your life!

My Aversion to Dependency
It’s enough that I have to begin again because of my own failures, I do not want to have to do that because of failures of someone or something I’ve grown dependent on. And so, my aversion to dependency begins.

The Poor aren’t a charity case…

Out of nothing…

What do you remember?

Start again

Forgiveness Paves the Way for Action

When you say “thank you”, you affirm that YOU matter

Your past, present and future self

Take your advice

Why NLP?

There’s more to this story…

What THEY see

Less is more

You don’t need me

2nd opinion

An opportunity for miracles

Watching a Butterfly

Am I confident?