Take your advice
Advice is just an opinion with an intentional outcome. No guarantee that this outcome will actually be good for you, and no guarantee that you’ll actually achieve the said outcome.
There’s so much advice out there! So many people with opinions and desires to reach (or for others to reach) a certain outcome that will suit their personal point of view. How do you know if the advice is actually good for you? How do you know if you can trust the advice giver? You can’t know…unless you choose to follow YOUR OWN advice. Why not?! You have some great ideas! Some of which you undoubtedly shared with other people in your life that may have benefited from it. Come to think of it there are so many more reasons for you to follow your advice: you know more about your situation than anyone else; you speak in terms that most resonate with you; the goals you come up with will be most meaningful to you, and you’re always around to hold yourself accountable for following your advice. And when you succeed because of following your own advice, it is solely you that will deserve all the credit and rewards for the outcomes you will achieve.
How do you go about giving yourself advice? You need time – time to think about where you’re at and time to come up with ideas of where you want to go. You need to view your situation from an outside perspective – in doing so, you are neutralising the emotions that may limit you from coming up with ideas of what to do next. And you need to trust your wisdom – true you might not always come up with the perfect solution, but it isn’t guaranteed that someone else will; at least when you are the one advising you, then you have the control to change course as you try out different actions and different outcomes.
It’s not about ignoring what other people have to say, in fact advice you may have for yourself is to learn from someone who has achieved the success that you are after. But the point is that you must value yourself and your advice for you because you definitely have great ideas to succeed. Practice trusting yourself, practice relying on yourself, practice fighting for yourself and for your success. When you have you, you will always have someone; someone with an interest to take the best care of you.
Take my advice to take your advice and allow yourself to pave your way to success as you see it.