Your past, present and future self

You simultaneously exist in your past, present and future form at any given moment. Your past-self built up experience and skills that made you who you are in the present. Your future-self is motivating your present-self and is constantly being shaped by what you do in the present.

Your past-self hasn’t stopped existing just because you outgrew that phase. Your past-self shaped you and paved the path that brought you to where you’re at in the present. Your past-self gathered skills as you overcame challenges and chose which goals to commit to. Your past-self also built walls and limits to what you believe that you can achieve and what you believe you cannot. As your past-self, you did your best to overcome trauma and bring about success. Your present-self has the responsibility to deal with maturity and wisdom with both the residual trauma and overwhelming success of your past-self.

Your present-self is at a constant crossing of how to humbly accept all that your past-self has achieved, whilst boldly pursuing what your future-self wants to become. Your present-self cannot, and should not, neglect your past-self, especially in the naïve and vulnerable state that it was. There are things that you didn’t know back then, things that you couldn’t know back then, that you do know now. So, without shame, without guilt, it is your responsibility to act in the present with more determination to shape who you want to become in the future. At times you might need to remind yourself that this isn’t your past-self that is dealing with your present situation; it is you- your present-self- that is, should and can deal with the challenges that you are facing today. And when you overcome these challenges, your future-self will be so grateful.

Your-future self is forever evolving. It exists as a possibility – a possibility of what success will look like and what failure will look like. When you are able to define who you are in both of these extremes, then you are able to define who you’ll be, who you are, and who you’ve always been. Your future-self has the experience and the skills that your past-self and your present-self have built up. Your-future self has an invested interest in your present success, and for that reason should be your best motivator, coach and cheerleader so that your present-self will continue to build your life with joyous motivation.

If you give yourself a moment of pause, you might just hear your past-self, present-self and future-self conversing with one another, encouraging one another, forgiving one another, loving one another. When you are able to hear that, you will be at peace with yourself…all of your-selves.


When you say “thank you”, you affirm that YOU matter


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