If you’re in pain, it’s your body and mind saying you need to MOVE
trimoving is about TRYing to move in 3 (“tri”) aspects of your life:
cognitive . physical . social
Try Moving Cognitively
Moving cognitively is about expanding your mind. If you imagine your brain as a computer that analyses the information from your body, then having lots of options for connections allows you to understand more about a situation and choose from increased and varied options to act. So where do we start? Different points of view.
New points of view bring new perspectives, more productive ways to interact with people in your life and more pathways to become the ME you want to BE.
Try Moving Socially
Moving socially so as to surround yourself with people who you respect and who respect and will support you. If you imagine yourself as a cell in a body full of other cells, all aiming to contribute to a healthy, prosperous being, you can see how you doing the best for you and for others, contributes to a better world. So where do we start? You matter, so choose people who matter to you and you matter to them.
Love, be loved, feel loved - all so you can confidently be the ME you want to BE.
Try Moving Physically
Moving physically is not just about physical exercise. If you imagine your body as a vessel through which you experience the world, then you can see how changing the vessel’s angle of observation can affect how much you see and what you perceive of a situation. So where would we start? Posture. Stand straight, increase your periphery vision, get a more accurate angle for each ‘lived experience’.
See more, know more and have more ideas for action to bring you to the ME you want to BE.
When you make the positive change in you, it will positively affect those around you, which will positively affect the world at large.
My starting point is this:
You MATTER and what you DO matters, to you and to those around you.
I believe it’s a wonderful thing to aspire to be the ME you want to BE. You see, when you are the best you can be, you inspire those around you to be the best that they can be and those around them are inspired to be the best that they can be, and so on and so forth.
In fact, the ripple effects are such, that when you are the ME you want to BE, you put in motion an upward spiral of a better world, full of aspiration for greatness.
And so, as I see it, it’s in everyone’s interest that you succeed in seeking out your dream and do the work to realise it.
The achievements will always be your own, but if you want someone to give you a boost to set this path in motion, I’d be happy to join you for this bit of your journey. Nily .