New Life Perspective: You are the expert of YOU

New Life Perspective: You are the expert of YOU

Don’t let any figure of authority intimidate you. Yes, doctors know more about medicine and health conditions, but you know more about you. Yes, teachers know more teaching techniques, but you know more about your child. There are many experts of many fields, but you are THE expert on YOU and YOUR LIFE. The decisions made based on the experts’ advice will necessarily affect you, and are unlikely to affect them. SO – when you meet these figures of authority, don’t surrender the conversation to them. YOU are their equal in the assessing the matter, and actually you are their superior in that you will ultimately decide what you will do with the information they offer. Have a plan that will ensure that you have all that you need to make the best decision for you (and your loved ones). In this plan have in your mind how you will present yourself and what you need information you need from them. How do you present yourself when you know YOU ARE THE EXPERT (remember, you are the expert of YOU)? What is your posture like when you know that you are a figure of authority? What kind of tone do you use when you know that you need information? How do you approach people when YOU KNOW THAT you are the final decision-maker? Come prepared – these experts: doctor or a parent/teacher often have a limited amount of time for you; know what kind of information you need from this expert for you to be enough of an expert to make a decision, write down questions in advance. Know who or where to go once this expert becomes unavailable. Don’t feel intimidated by figures of authority! Embrace your role as the expert, the ultimate expert of all that is YOU and enjoy your new life perspective.


New Life Perspective: Create the Silence


New Life Perspective: Your PERFECT mirror image