New Life Perspective: Reboot and Restart Your Day
New Life Perspective: Reboot and Restart Your Day.
We all need a reboot during the day. You do this naturally – by taking a deep breath, maybe walking away from an uncomfortable situation, maybe counting to 10.
The trick is to do a reboot that allows you to genuinely restart and not just supress the frustration until it blows up with other struggles you collect during the day.
We’ve all encountered someone who blew up at us, seemingly for no reason. Sometimes they accused us of saying something we didn’t say, sometimes they got angry before asking us for something that we would have otherwise been happy to oblige. If only they had met us with fresh eyes, the interaction could have been just fine, and maybe uplifting for all involved.
Can we admit that we’ve all also been that someone that blew up for no reason? And that if we were able to come to the interaction without the frustrations of whatever happened before, we all would have had a better experience?
One way to reboot these frustrations, is to create a more desirable starting point. Think of a moment of bliss in your life. Doesn’t have to be a big achievement (although it can be), doesn’t have to be something that lasted for a long time (although it can be). Just a moment, it can be from long ago, even from childhood, it can be just a few minutes or even a split second – but in that moment of bliss, everything was just fine – the place you were at was a place you enjoyed being, the things you saw put a smile on your face, the sounds you heard gave you peace of mind. Just a moment that you can remember feeling calm, feeling proud, feeling excited about life. Stay in that moment for a second, or a minute, or more – take a deep breath in, as if you are spreading the memory of this perfect moment of bliss all through you heart, mind and limbs.
There. You’ve rebooted. Now you can start the day again.
Start from your desired starting point, and enjoy your new life perspective.