New Life Perspective: Confidence Jacket

New Life Perspective: Confidence Jacket

Imagine pulling out of your cupboard a “confidence jacket” – give it a ‘confident’ colour, a ‘confident’ fit, even a ‘confident’ smell. Now put on this “confident jacket”, and embody the confident person you want to become. As the confident person, notice your body: where your shoulders – are they up/down, front/ back? Are your arms hanging or are they flexing? How are you holding your head, i? Is your gaze down, forward, or looking around? Are you hearing your thoughts or your surroundings? And what words stand out? In this confident state, imagine what you would do if this was YOU all of the time. Who could you talk to? What might you aspire to? And how, as the embodiment of confidence, do you feel? Now, take off this “imaginary jacket” and notice that your posture still remains. The feeling still remains. That’s because the confidence you accessed is confidence that exists in you. Still, next time you are lacking in confidence grab that imaginary jacket and be the confident-you that can achieve anything – and then go and achieve everything! Be confident and Enjoy your new life perspective.


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