New Life Perspective: Un-stick Uncomfortable Moments
New Life Perspective: Un-stick Uncomfortable Moments
Imagine yourself looking through a photo album and catching a glimpse of a picture of an uncomfortable moment. Take a deeper look at the details of the picture – the colours, the people, the setting, also notice the feelings that you associate with that moment. Now we’ll change the perspective by editing some of the elements of the picture. Take out the colour that causes you the most discomfort in this picture. Remove irrelevant people in the picture. Remove the setting. Flush away emotions that you associated with this moment. With the details removed, leave yourself with a skeleton picture that only includes the relevant people and the relevant details. Now fill the void that you’ve created. Add colours that make you feel more comfortable and relaxed. Put yourself in a setting that you like. Change the meaning of the interaction – what might be open mouths due to shouting, turn to open mouths singing; what might have been contact due to a tussle, turns into a short embrace. Fill yourself with emotions of strength and confidence. Notice how this new version of an old picture of an uncomfortable moment from your past makes you feel now. …Maybe this incident didn’t go as you would have liked, but don’t let it “stick” and affect your future. “Un-stick” your past and enjoy your new life perspective.