New Life Perspective: Light Up Your Darkness
New Life Perspective: Light Up Your Darkness
We’ve all been in ‘dark place’, and it’s not always easy to get out of them, but we did! We are here after all. If we know how we did it, then next time we find ourselves in darkness we will be able to get out much quicker. Imagine you’re in the dark, and in this darkens reach out to feel around and gauge where you are, then you find a torch/flashlight. As you turn it on, describe what you see – what colour do you see? What shape do you identify? How close are you to what you see? Do you want to be closer or further to it? Amongst the shapes that the torch light up, you notice some candles and matches. You light them and place them in the dark spots that the light from the torch doesn’t cover. What can you see in the candlelight? Can you identify the colour, the shape? Do you want it closer or further than you? So you have the torch on pointing one way, you have candle light on in another part of the darkness – now you find the remaining dark spot light up from outside. What is this light? Is it a sunrise? A moonlight? How is it making its way inside? And what is it being reflected from – is there water there? A mirror? A smooth rock? And what does this light reveal? Can you see colour? Can you see shapes? Do you recognise what you see? A moment ago, you were in darkness, and without moving anywhere, you are now in the light. Are you happy to find where you are, or do you want to go somewhere else? You lit the paths around you, it is up to you if you want to stay or to walk away. Light up your darkness and enjoy your new life perspective.