New Life Perspective: Keep doing & thank yourself later

There are things you do that you have no motivation to do them. It would be better to do the things that you love. But what if you can’t or you don’t know how or where to begin? And what if you don’t yet know what it is that you love to do?

Do you stop? Do nothing, wait until you know what your dream is or how you can achieve it and then do that? Meanwhile, sit, relax and wait to be inspired…?


You can just keep going, just keep doing. Be gaining experience in overcoming the lack of motivation you build your character with perseverance, determination, commitment. You also gain skills that are transferable to the things you love to do. You meet people that might help you make the cross over. Struggling through the things you don’t want to do might actually help you realise and better define what it is that do love to do.

Taking yourself into the future, a month from now, a year from now, a couple of years from now. What would have benefited you most? Having sat and waited for inspiration? Or having kept going and doing whatever it is that you were doing even if you lacked the motivation to do it?

Keep going, keep doing! And thank yourself later.

Just DO and enjoy your new life perspective.


New Life Perspective: You Make a Difference


New Life Perspective: Reboot and Restart Your Day