More than 3D – part 1of3
We live in a multi-dimensional reality. It’s commonly considered that we interact over 3 dimensions, 4 at a push. I propose that this greatly undervalues our human experience. For a start, which dimension would you consider our thoughts and our emotions?
I’m no mathematician! But sometimes I do like a mathematical challenge. Especially when I can link it to our everyday being. So here is the first of a 3-part blog, applying mathematical language to the human experience. (Thanks to #Engineering Made Easy for translating maths to easy-to-understand English and for the inspiration for this article)
0 dimension is a dot, 1 dimension a line, 2 dimensions a flat shape, and 3 dimensions a shape with a height depth and width; but does our movement in life really just consist of forward and back, in and out, and up and down? We don’t move through time, so surely, we can’t be considered to be 4D beings. Or can we?
4D is generally referred to as time (the ability to move through time) – you are such a sophisticated being that you don’t even need a time machine to move through time. You have your memories. The smallest trigger of smell, sound, sight, taste and sight can take you back to relive a moment in time, even if only for a moment. Using different mind techniques, you can even go back in your memory to better analyse the source of a situation, giving you new insight into your past and, in effect, changing your perception of the present. This time travel in your mind can also take you to a moment in the future, how you envision your life will turn out – this too will inform how you perceive the present and the choices you make. Hence, time travel, without a time machine!
5D refers to being in two places at the same time – Not just for Marty from Back to the Future; for those who have seen the film, you may remember him in the 50’s watching himself fade away from the picture taken in the 80’s. You too can be in two places at the same time. Following from your moment of envisioning your future, how about envisioning two, three or more futures (considering careers, relationships, and worldly adventures). You’re here in the present, you are considering how you would feel in each of those futures and then you zoom back to the present and make the choices you make. In a sense, you can imagine a picture of your future self and see how it materialises or disappears as you make choices in the present, not too dissimilar to what Marty did. You can also physically be in one place, whilst in your mind being in a different place; anyone else ever been on a stage in front of a huge cheering audience as you sing your absolute best to your toothbrush microphone to the bathroom mirror? Those really are my best concerts. So, by imagining your future and even by enacting an alternative present in your mind, you really can be in two places at the same time.
That’s it for the 1st of this 3-part series. Hopefully I have convinced you that we are sophisticated forms of life with incredible abilities that far exceed the 3 dimensions. It’s important to be aware of this because the more we are aware of the various dimensions we exist in, the broader our perspective of life. And the broader that our perspective of life is, the more informed we are about our decisions and our purpose. And the more informed we are about our decisions and our purpose, the more fulfilled we will be in life, having a positive effect on our choices and experiences and even positively effecting our surroundings.