The act of choosing is the act of empowering yourself
Find your choices and act upon them. Make your choices and be empowered. When you identify what within a situation was for you to choose, you are empowered. When you make the choices that no one realised were for you to make, you are empowered. When you know that you are empowered, you can overcome anything. It’s your choice, if you choose to make it so.
Choosing is doing. So, choose well and do good.
In every experience in life, we have choices – a choice of action or inaction, a choice of emotional engagement or dissociation, a choice to forgive or to begrudge. These are often not easy choices, they’re often not obvious choices, and often not fully informed choices – alas these are the choices we have to make.
There are always consequences.
Regardless if the choice was made consciously by us, or unconsciously brought on to us, there are always consequences. The ideal consequences are, of course, the success of what we set out to achieve, and how empowering it is to know that our choices brought us to the better place we’re at! We worked hard to improve our skillset, as a consequence we got a better job; we made an effort for our partner, as a consequence our relationship is better; we maintained a good diet and exercise regime, as a consequence we are healthier, stronger and happier.
However, most times, consequences involve an element of sacrifice, and that too is empowering when we acknowledge that we are the ones that prioritised our life’s options with the awareness of the bigger picture for long-term success. We worked hard to improve our job prospects, as a consequence we missed out on family time; we set out to improve our relationship, as a consequence we had to sacrifice time for ourselves (“me-time”); we set out to improve our health, as a consequence we had to avoid social gatherings that tempt us back to the lifestyle we want to change.
Less empowering is when we avoid making choices. We may be momentarily deceived that things won’t change until we actually act upon the choice we made. But soon we are reminded that life happens regardless of our schedule and regardless of our actions (or lack thereof). Choosing AN ACTION instead of INACTION, allows you, even if ever so slightly, to steer the consequences to your preferred outcome.
Meaningful choices are often very difficult to make. But you do have to choose. You have to choose, because by choosing you empower yourself. Empowering yourself means that you give yourself credit for the desired consequences when you achieved these. Empowering yourself means that you recognise your strength when you react with control to the less desired consequences.
Choosing is doing. And doing is empowering yourself to take action of change. So, be empowered to choose a change that will bring you closer to the ME you want to BE.