Money can’t buy “ME”

In an age when all things are seemingly up for consumption, we are no longer being sold on the product, rather on the emotions that it promises to bring. This product will bring us joy, that product will bring us harmony, this product will give us focus, that product will bring us success, this product will bring us friendships, that product will bring us love, this product will bring spiritual connections, that product will give us “ME”. Whose “joy”, “harmony”, “focus”, “success”, “friendship”, “love”, “spirituality”, “ME” are they giving us? Is it long lasting, or will we need another product to sustain it? And how do they know which “ME” you want to be? Could it be that they’re directing you to be the “ME” they need you to be to continue your loyalty of consumption?

“Money can’t buy happiness”

A common saying, often with added disclaimers that it can buy things that make us happy or it can create a more comfortable misery or that having it means that there’s at least one less stress to worry about. All these may be true, but the sentiment stands, “happiness”, as with “harmony”, “focus”, “success”, “friendship”, “love”, “spirituality”, “ME”, will be sold to you as a product if you are willing to play along and see it as such. And that begs the question, who is providing your “happiness”, what will they want in return to continue giving you this “happiness” and when (if ever) are you set free to continue this journey to/with “happiness” on your own?

Who, where, and what are we dependent on for our personal, physical and spiritual growth? And what happens when those aren’t available to us? What happens when trust is broken and we can no longer rely on the voices that guided us to meditative harmony? On the websites and apps that kept our friendships going? On the foods that kept us focused? On the strategies that kept us succeeding? On shiny things as proof of love? On the social engagements that assured us that we are the “me” that we seek to be.

From birth to death, the path is always to be as independent as we can be. And through that independence, to engage with people, with the environment, with your spiritual connections - sharing ideas, sharing experiences and, through that sharing, creating emotions that were not the goal, but happened anyway. Know your roots, strengthen your roots, expand your roots so that you can grow and blossom any which way, interact with new experiences and be part of the creation of new, unplanned, unintended, consequences that may result in buds of the most delicate, yet most powerful emotions.

What can your body do? What can your mind create? What makes your heart flutter? Where does your spirit find peace? These things will only be found when you try different ways, independent of others’ opinions/ products/ activities. It’s a lifetime search as they change throughout the stages of life. These elements will help us find joy in our search for a meaningful life, harmony between our body and our surroundings, focus on what is aligned with our journey vs what is a distraction, success that will lead us to continued growth, friendships that are based on genuine mutual respect, love that is greater than anything that can be measured, spiritual connection that is deep and very private guiding us to be the best we can be. Only through knowing your body, your mind, your heart and your spirit, will you be able to shine an inner light, independent from all outside sparkling distractions, on the ME that you want to BE.

In an age when all things are seemingly up for consumption, step away and witness what naturally blooms. Invest your body, mind, heart and spirit in connections that lead you to meaningful experiences, those experiences that bring you joy, harmony, focus, success, friendships, love, spiritual connections, and the ME you are proud to be.


Music is more than what we “hear”


The act of choosing is the act of empowering yourself