Be Humble

So that you know that when you have nothing, you are worth something

When you have nothing, you are still worth something. When you have something, those that (presumably) have nothing, still have something to give. So be humble, so that you know that when you have nothing, you are worth something.

Be humble so that when you don’t know enough, people will want to share their wisdoms with you. Once enriched by the wisdoms that other people shared, generously share your wisdoms to enrich others. Don’t wait until “you think” you have wisdoms to share - you may think that you have nothing, but there are some things you know, some things you experienced, some things you’ve learnt that those (presumably) more knowledgeable than you, don’t know. Be humble, always strive to learn more, especially learn from people or situations that you thought there would be nothing to learn from. Even when the wisdoms seem like nothing, they are something.

Be humble so that when your body isn’t working so well, you will be able to appreciate (and give credit to) the parts that are keeping you alive and moving. When you recognise the strength of your weakened body, you can rely on that strength, build on that strength and expand that strength, even if only a little, to the rest of your body. A healthier body is, at the very least NOT a deteriorating body; a healthier body is, at its best, a HEALTHY body. Be humble, even when your body seems to have nothing to offer, there is something it is doing that’s keeping you alive.

Be humble so that when you don’t have the friends or the number of friends you desire, you are able to appreciate and feel assured by the friends that you do. These friends might not speak to you at the frequency you prefer, these friends might be physically farther from where you live than you prefer, these friends might have interests that are more different to yours than you prefer – but they are friends that stuck by you, even when you (presumably) had nothing, they offered something to you (even when they had nothing left to offer) and they continue to grow and inspire you to grow. Be humble, the ones who choose to be in your life are “the something” that prevents you from being truly left with “nothing”.

When you (presumably) have nothing, there is still something you offer to the world in a way of knowledge, in a way of health, in a way of friendship. Lacking in the “material something”, does not prevent you from offering a significant something to the world. But when you do have something, especially “material something”, be sure to listen out to what those who have (comparatively) nothing – they may offer you wisdom, insight, inspiration and love that make the “something” that you have, worth SO MUCH MORE.


We’re not talking about the same thing


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