Should’ve Would’ve Could’ve

If only I stayed, things would’ve been stable.

If only I left, things could’ve been adventurous.

If only I bought that, things would’ve been fabulous.

If only I saved, things could’ve been abundant.

If only I was more careful, things would’ve been balanced.

If only I was more daring, things could’ve been more exciting.

If only I had kept in touch, things would’ve been wonderful.

If only I had walked away, things could’ve been less stressful.

If only I had known, I would’ve done things different.

If only I had one more chance, I could’ve done things fearlessly.

If only I could, I would do things as I should.

If only I should, I could do them as it was expected I would.

If only I would, I could now commit to what I should.

And then I would be happy.

Or would I?

Sure, things could have been better had you made different choices. But maybe they would have been worse.

Could it be that you did things as you should, learnt lessons that only this way you could and committed to the only adventures that at that point you would?

And now, you’re at the turn of a new adventure wondering again if you should go, if you would commit to it, if you could achieve it?

So NOW, move forward with CONVICTION that this is your life’s adventure, no one else (including you) has been on this adventure before, so no one knows what you “should” and only in hindsight you’ll know what you “could”. Decide what you will do, so that in the future, when looking back, YOU WOULDN’T CHANGE A THING.


An unwanted gift


The Voices in My Head