More than 3D – part 3of3
In the first of this 3-part series I discussed how we move beyond the 3D space, beyond time (4D) using our memories and imagination and how we play out and live through scenarios in different places and times (5D). In the second part of the series, we discussed the universe of “what-if’s” (6D) where the start can be the same, but our choices create a path through the infinite possibilities of reality. We also discussed how stories, art, and music challenge the assumption of a single start point of the universe and open us up to endless universes of endless starting points that simultaneously co-exist (7D).
In this 3rd and final part, we will be touching on our abstract existence, starting with the 8th dimension, where there is no physical form to our existence. Can you guess where I’m going with this?
8th dimension lacks any physical existence of any object, all possible presents, pasts and futures for all the infinite number of parallel universes that are stretching up to infinity co-exist. This reminds me of the closing scene in the “NeverEnding Story” film (a scene that is actually only the middle of the book by Michael Ende), where the Childlike Empress gives Bastian the last grain of sand of Fantasia; she explains that he has the power to bring back Fantasia in his imagination through every wish he makes. In the book, each wish he makes brings about a reality in the world of Fantasia that has a past, even though Bastien has only just created it. Our potential, our thoughts, our wishes and dreams are, in this sense, the 8th dimension; from them there are infinite possibilities that could develop into infinite stories, life choices, relationships. They themselves do not have a physical existence, they do not have the restraint of time, they are not bound by size – our minds and hearts co-exist in the 3rd dimension and the 8th dimension.
9th dimension refers to all infinite possibilities of universes, time, beginnings, varied laws of physics and so on, co-existing at the same time and place without the knowledge of the existence of another. Someone living in this dimension would not have physical form and could hop between the different realities. Impossible, many say. Just an abstract mathematical idea, some might say. I say – it’s here! Specifically in any library you have ever been in, where, spread over thousands of shelves, are millions of books and stories (depends on which library, but the point stands even for a smaller number of books). Infinite number of stories in infinite amounts of languages that can be interpreted in an infinite number of ways. You can try and imagine the space itself playing out the stories, each story unaware of the other and unable to alter another. We can also experience simultaneous memories in different forms (words, pictures, music, temperature), and none effect the other.
10th dimension of existence is a realm where we can hop between the infinite realities as described in the 9th dimension. Going back to the library analogy, when you go into the library, you can take any book, read it as any character at any point of the story, then abruptly stop and go to a different book, in this way “hopping” to another world at any point. You don’t even have to be holding the books, as you may know the stories by heart and be able to picture them happening simultaneously without affecting the plot of the other. You can hop between storybooks, fact-books, music sheets, art collections, the possibilities are infinite.
11th dimension comes from the string theory, referring to the connection or the gravitational pull between things. It’s a beautiful resolve that in the end it is the magnetic pull (or push) that gives meaning to the 0-Dimensional dot that we started with. This movement of attraction and repulsion is what gives meaning to the existence of the dots that turn to lines and cubes and time etc; and it is what turns us 3D lumps of flesh into magnificent beings, said to be made “in His image”. We are intertwined with our surroundings- past, present and future. There is a link between us and the infinite universes around us- we can’t see it, feel it, or hear it, but we act upon it.
3D really isn’t enough to describe the human experience. What about the spiritual world? Which dimension would the Divine Being reside in? What dimension is beyond these 11, so far beyond our comprehension, that a greater being might exist?