Be Brave, do it anyway
You see the challenge, you feel the fear, you might fail, and you might not live up to initial success, you might attract terrible people your way and you might push wonderful people away, it could all go wrong… but you do it anyway.
That’s being brave.
You do it because through the clouded thoughts of fear, there is a beam of light shining through, where you can see a path to overcome the challenges; it can be done.
You do it anyway, because despite the fear, you sense a rush of adrenaline that will see you through to the next stage or even until the end; it can be done.
You do it because despite the possibility of failure, you can envision your success; it can be done.
You do it because even if there is a dip from your initial success, you can imagine building up again using the initial momentum; it can be done.
You do it because even though you may attract envy and spite from people you don’t know, there are people who will benefit, even be inspired, by all you have to offer; it should be done.
You do it because even though wonderful people in your life may distance themselves, you realise that they were wonderful for where you were but couldn’t support you for where you’re heading next; it should be done.
You do it because even though it could all go wrong, you know that it could all go right; so do it anyway.
Being brave is not having a suit of armour with a plan B for any possible catastrophe. Being brave is looking at the fears and the doubts straight on and going ahead with your plans.
You can, you should. Be brave, do it anyway.
Shining proudly