What can YOU do for YOU?


You’re more than just the you who is reading this now. There was a ‘you’ from yesterday, there was a ‘you’ from childhood, there is a ‘you’ tomorrow and there’s a ‘you’ reflecting back on all of your life. There’s the ‘you’ that is confident and the ‘you’ that is shy; a ‘you’ that is energetic and a ‘you’ that just can’t get up. There’s the ‘you’ that is curious, a ‘you’ that’s creative, a ‘you’ that loves, a ‘you’ that’s funny. A ‘you’ that is present when you’re awake, a ‘you’ that is in the realm of all-possible dreams. There is so much of you that makes up the wonderful wondrous YOU.

In this sense the saying “there is only one of me” can be a bit misleading, a bit limiting. Sure, it would be helpful, even desirable, if people were around to help us with things in our lives; but that’s not always possible. People aren’t always around, they can’t always help in the area we need help, and sometimes when they do, it isn’t up to the standard that we expect. So, what can YOU do for YOU? Or more specifically, what can one of ‘you’ do for another ‘you’?

Can you think of a task you find underwhelming, maybe uninspiring, one that doesn’t quite have the “yay!” factor to it? Something that has to be done, but the thought of doing it doesn’t quite make you spring joyously into action. (You are welcome to borrow my not-so-beloved task of washing the dishes) How would you feel if this task was done, completed, and exactly to the standard that you would hope for? How would you feel if you were dragging yourself to do this task and suddenly you find it’s done and you have free time to do absolutely anything else? Now consider this feeling will be experienced by tomorrow’s ‘you’, if only tonight’s ‘you’ will do the task. And tonight’s ‘you’ will only really do it because you know that it’s still you, just tomorrow’s ‘you’ that benefits. Are YOU worth it? Most definitely YOU ARE!

Do something for YOU. Be grateful to YOU for having done it. YOU are worth all YOU have to offer, so do it FOR YOU.

So, what are you going to do for you today?


Going to sleep to a happy ending


Try moving – Posture: your core